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The startup idea behind VeryUs, Stay Social™ and how the vacation home rental market will soon get a major makeover.

You’ve just stumbled upon the most important concept that is about to alter everything you know about travelers renting vacation homes. This is the secret to opening up elite property access to every traveler around the world for a fraction of the price, while helping property managers and owners grow their business unlike anything ever seen before using social media to connect travelers that have never met before who share common interests.

Matt Heady
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Matt Heady

Matt grew up helping his parents run a top-rated family B&B Inn for 25 years, sharing his home with guests from around the world. He managed the UIX team at eDiets.com with a $200mm exit in 2005 alongside #1 Award health site. Recently, he led the UIX strategy for SONY while filing 3 patents for social technology with #1 award for UIX design by Laptop Magazine.
Matt Heady
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Matt Heady
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Matt Heady

Matt grew up helping his parents run a top-rated family B&B Inn for 25 years, sharing his home with guests from around the world. He managed the UIX team at eDiets.com with a $200mm exit in 2005 alongside #1 Award health site. Recently, he led the UIX strategy for SONY while filing 3 patents for social technology with #1 award for UIX design by Laptop Magazine.
Matt Heady
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August 13, 2015
Vacation Rental Property Software for Social Bookings

3 Reasons Why The $90b Vacation Property Rental Market Will Soon Change Forever

The startup idea behind VeryUs, Stay Social™ and how the vacation home rental market will soon get a major makeover. You’ve just stumbled upon the most important concept […]
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